28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
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Read article20-Minute Fat Blaster
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Squeeze in this fast and furious fat blaster, designed to work every major muscle while burning mega calories. “Every move here is explosive — you’re working different muscle groups in a variety of directions for optimum conditioning,” explains New York-based trainer Holly Rilinger. Do each move for 30 seconds, resting as little as possible (up to 10 seconds) between each one. “Because you’re rotating between lower body, upper body, and core moves you’re already getting rest, so you can keep downtime to a minimum,” adds Rilinger. Complete as many rounds as you can for 20 minutes. Team MuscleMeds and fitness model Muri Rodrigues shows us how it’s done. SEE ALSO: Your Competition Body Workout Plan
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Works: Lower BodyStand with feet hip-distance apart, elbows bent, with hands in front of body. Squat down, keeping weight over heels and hands forward. Using the strength of your lower body, push through your heels to explode off the floor, pushing hands behind you.Land softly in squat position. Repeat, continuing for 30 seconds.
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Works: Upper BodyStand with feet hip-distance apart, holding a medicine ball above head, arms close to body. Using your arms, back, chest, and core, throw the ball to the floor as powerfully as possible.Squat down to pick the ball up and repeat for 30 seconds.
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Works: CoreLie face-up on the floor with legs extended, feet flexed, and fingers reaching above your head, spine neutral. In one explosive movement, bend knees toward chest while reaching arms forward and lifting your torso, keeping hands in line with shoulders. Lower to start and repeat for 30 seconds. SEE ALSO: 7 Killer Core Moves for Your Abs
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Works: Lower BodyStand in front of a plyo box (choose a size that is challenging but doable, from 12 to 30 inches), arms at sides, and knees slightly bent.Bend knees and jump onto the box, using arms for momentum and moving as powerfully as possible. Land on top of box with knees soft and arms at sides. Step or lightly jump back down and repeat for 30 seconds.
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Works: Upper BodyBeing in a full pushup position hands on floor under shoulders, and legs extended behind you, keeping abs engaged and forming a straight line from head to heels. Lower down into a pushup, bringing chest toward floor and keeping the movements slow and controlled. As you straighten arms, push up explosively, bringing both hands off the floor. (To make it easier, do a modified pushup with knees on floor). Continue for 30 seconds.
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Works: Full BodyStand to left side of a plyo box or low platform or bench, hands at sides, knees soft. Jump laterally across the box, landing with knees soft on the right side. Immediately do a burpee (not shown), bringing hands to floor as you jump both feet behind you. Jump feet back toward hands and stand up. Repeat, this time, jumping across the box to the left side and into another burpee. Continue for 30 seconds.
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Works: Full Body, CorePlace hands at the edges of a plyo box or low platform or bench, extending legs behind you. Keep hands directly under shoulders and back flat. Bring right knee toward chest, then switch legs midair, bringing left knee forward and right leg back. Continue for 30 seconds, moving as quickly as possible.
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Works: Lower BodyStand with feet hip-distance apart, arms at sides.Jump right foot to right side, bringing left foot diagonally behind you and crossing left arm in front of body, elbow bent about 90 degrees. Keep both knees slightly bent.Staying low, push off right foot as you step left foot to left side and cross right leg back. Continue for 30 seconds, moving as quickly as possible.
Squeeze in this fast and furious fat blaster, designed to work every major muscle while burning mega calories. “Every move here is explosive — you’re working different muscle groups in a variety of directions for optimum conditioning,” explains New York-based trainer Holly Rilinger. Do each move for 30 seconds, resting as little as possible (up to 10 seconds) between each one. “Because you’re rotating between lower body, upper body, and core moves you’re already getting rest, so you can keep downtime to a minimum,” adds Rilinger. Complete as many rounds as you can for 20 minutes. Team MuscleMeds and fitness model Muri Rodrigues shows us how it’s done.
SEE ALSO: Your Competition Body Workout Plan
Works: Lower Body
Works: Upper Body
Works: Core
SEE ALSO: 7 Killer Core Moves for Your Abs
Works: Lower Body
Works: Upper Body
Works: Full Body
Works: Full Body, Core
Works: Lower Body
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