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Read articleIt’s a safe bet that the people who compete in the NPC do so because they love the lifestyle and opportunities to compete. That’s certainly the case with Allison Warrell, a Women’s Physique competitor who considers bodybuilding a major part of her life.
“I fell in love with this sport 11 years ago, and I never looked back.”
Warrell shared with Isabelle Turell on a recent episode of The Fit Rockstar Show that her first competition was in 2015, but she started training four years before that. The 46-year-old has Achondroplasia dwarfism. She has short limbs, a normal torso, and a curved spine, which can cause nerve damage. Warrell started training to lose weight in order to relieve the spine and hips.
“Because of the spine being tilted, it curves our hips,” she said. “If you have all that weight on the hips, it can cause a lot of nerve damage to the legs, to the arms, and to other parts of the body.”
Warrell’s photos of her transformation can be seen in the episode, which is available to watch on the Wings of Strength YouTube channel. Achondroplasia dwarfism technically falls under the Americans with Disabilities Act, but she shared one instance where she received quite a compliment at an airport because of how she takes care of herself for the stage and life.
“I was running late at an airport and went through TSA. I went through the handicapped where the wheelchairs are, and the guy looked at me and said ‘you’re not handicapped. You’re too fit to be,’” she recalled to Turell. “I told him, ‘no, you can’t question my disability.’ And his buddy said ‘ooh, she told you.’”
Warrell’s story and energy will be a great watch before you train or anytime you need your energy picked up. Go to www.wingsofstrength.net or subscribe to the WOS YouTube channel to see future episodes every Saturday at 12 Noon Eastern time. You can also follow @fitrockstarshow on Instagram.