28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleWith the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
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Read articleBodybuilding and social media are the perfect mix—a competition photo or workout video is ideal for the bite-sized posts of Instagram, and a punchy motivational quote for the caption can top if all off. But the world of bodybuilding is—fittingly—huge. And you certainly don’t want to waste a follow on someone that will just fill your feed with ads for their latest product.
That’s why we’ve curated a list of some of the best bodybuilders to follow on Instagram—made up of present-day competitors and a few names from the past.
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It goes without saying that any bodybuilding fan should be following 2019 Mr. Olympia Brandon Curry. The larger-than-life star is always active on social media sharing his training, motivation, and family with fans.
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View this post on Instagram“A river cuts through rock, not because of its power, but because of its persistence.” Jim Watkins
A post shared by Flex Lewis™ (@flex_lewis) on
Seven-time 212 Olympia champ Flex Lewis never seems to stop growing, and he’ll be posing it out with the Open division come the 2020 Olympia. He was offered and accepted a special invitation to compete, and bodybuilding fans can’t wait to see what he brings to the stage.
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Love him or hate him, the 7-time Mr. Olympia is one of the most influential figures in today’s bodybuilding landscape. The Gift is always good for a motivational workout post, a throwback to one of his Olympia wins, or just an update on his own progress during the offseason. If you’re looking to keep tabs on modern bodybuilding, this is the best place to start.
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View this post on InstagramA post shared by Chris Bumstead (@cbum) on
He’s not even 25 yet, but Chris Bumstead is already one of the most exciting names in bodybuilding. This native Canadian is the 2019 Classic Physique Olympia champ, and his Instagram is loaded with progress pictures showing off his chiseled frame.
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This mammoth Texan is one of the more gregarious personalities in bodybuilding, and he’s always good for a quick tip or (more enjoyably) a peak at his cheat meal on Instagram.
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Ronnie Coleman is a legend in bodybuilding, with eight Mr. Olympia titles under his belt. And since he’s such a fan-favorite, following his Instagram is a no-brianer. In addition to posting throwback photos of his days at the top of the bodybuilding mountain, Coleman’s feed is always updating his progress as he recovers from some recent surgeries.
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View this post on InstagramA post shared by Kai Greene (@kaigreene) on
Greene doesn’t have a Sandow to his name, but he’s still one of the most accomplished bodybuilders of the last two decades. His Instagram thing can be a bit…odd at times, but for those that understand Greene’s personality and unique sense of humor, it’s a must-follow.
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View this post on InstagramA post shared by BIG RAMY (@big_ramy) on
Mamdouh Mohammed Hassan Elssbiay—aka Big Ramy—is a favorite among bodybuilding fans because, well, he’s big. And he lives up to that nickname even on Instagram, as he regularly posts motivational posts and progress pictures showing off his massive frame.
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View this post on InstagramOne of the pest pic from me on @mrolympiallc Made by @matzebusse my Germany ?? friend
A post shared by Roelly Winklaar " THE BEAST" (@roellywinklaar) on
The 2018 People’s Champion has a personality just as big as his biceps, and his Instagram game reflects that.
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View this post on InstagramSuccess isn't an accident #WorkHard #AimHuge
A post shared by Mr Olympia Jay Cutler (@jaycutler) on
This former Mr. O is always good for a throwback post or a word of wisdom for young lifters.
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View this post on Instagram"Simply the thing I am shall make me live." - William Shakespeare
A post shared by Shawn Ray (@shawnrayifbbpro) on
In addition to being one of the most interesting bodybuilding personalities over the years, Shawn Ray is among the most active on social media. While he does all the throwback posts and motivational quotes as the rest on this list, he does so with that trademark Ray flare.
The UFC and WWE star took the law into his own hands in a tragic story.
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