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Michael Phelps gave the Arizona State University student body a gold medal performance during their basketball game against Oregon State. Phelps was behind the ASU student section’s “Curtain of Distraction,” wearing gold medals around his neck, a speedo, and a yellow swim cap. 

Once the curtain drew open, Phelps imitated the freestyle stroke to coax a missed foul shot from Oregon State’s freshman Stephen Thompson. When Thompson was going for the second one, Phelps stripped down into his speedo and swim cap and was joined by two 942 Crew members decked out as Chippendales. It must have worked because it led to another missed shot. Arizona won the game 86-68. 

Bill Kennedy, Arizona State associate athletic director tells Yahoo Sports, “I don’t think you could have written it any better with the Oregon State player missing both free throws. You could see the look on his face. He couldn’t help but look. He was trying to hold himself together, but you could tell by the look in his eyes he was going to miss the first one. Missing the second one was just icing on the cake.”

As for the “Curtain of Distraction,” it’s an idea from ASU’s student group 942 Crew. Every time a player shoots a free throw toward the ASU student section, students set up a pair of black curtains right behind the basket and show a hilarious distraction. This time being Michael Phelps.

Phelps is currently training in Tempe, Arizona for the 2016 Rio Games.