28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleBy now you should be well aware that The Rock is in Budapest shooting Hercules, The Thracian Wars. You might also be up to speed that in his recent back workout from Budapest and in his recent trap workout from Budapest he likes to keep the smiles flowing as much as the sweat when he hits the gym.
And Mr. Johnson has every reason to be happy. Between June 2012 and June 2013, he earned a whopping $46 million, according to Forbes, and the well-received Pain & Gain, in which he co-stars with Mark Wahlberg, goes on DVD release this week. No wonder he has a pep in his step at 6 AM in the gym!
Check it out:
Here is The Rock’s breakdown:
“I heard Miley was twerkin’ at the VMA’s, but I’m here in Budapest filming HERCULES – it’s 6am – Im hittin’ the iron – and a brotha ain’t got time for that s–t. Opening exercise: Superset wide grip pull ups w/ wide grip pull downs. 4 sets. 12-15 reps. Shout FOCUS to anyone in the gym this early & look like a complete lunatic. Smilin’ is always optional. #FOCUS #ClangAndBang #HercTwerk”.