28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articlehttps://youtube.com/watch?v=Z477UBwhVuM
Admit it, whenever you see the training montage from the original Rocky movie, you get pumped to work out. For some reason, the musical score combined with the weightlifting, stair-climbing and chicken chasing just inspires every red-blooded man to get out there and train his ass off. Turns out you don’t even need to be a full grown man.
SEE ALSO: Sylvester Stallone’s Full Arm Routine
As demonstrated in the video above, even a toddler in diapers can get swept into the euphoria of a Rocky training session. Clearly, this little guy is up for the challenge as he mimics all of The Italian Stallion’s most memorable moves. From one-arm pushups to working the speed bag this kid is determined to keep up with Balboa.
Who knows where all this will lead? Maybe a role in a future Rocky flick. Right now, he’s just one badass baby who’s sure to get plenty of respect at the neighborhood playground.