Half-Kneeling Stability Reverse Chop

The half-kneeling stability reverse chop is a rotational exercise that concentrates on the development and strengthening of the core muscles, targeting the obliques.


  1. 245_A
    Clip a rope attachment to the lowest level on a cable station machine. Begin by kneeling on the floor, with your outside knee (the knee farthest from the weight stack) bent 90 degrees. Keep this foot flat on the floor the entire time.
  2. Half-Kneeling Stability Reverse Chop
    With your arms completely straight, grab the rope with an overhand grip with hands shoulder-width apart. Tighten your abs and squeeze your glutes in order to prevent your torso from moving at all. Pull the rope up and across your body, toward your opposite shoulder. Return to the starting position.

Trainer’s Tips

  • Keep your torso square and upright throughout the movement.
  • Do not hyperextend your lower back, but concentrate on keeping a tall and straight spine.