Single-Leg Hip Raise with Foot on Foam Roller

The single-leg hip raise with foot on foam roller builds strength through the glutes and hamstrings. Performing the exercise one leg at a time will ensure muscular balance on both sides of the body.


  1. 1170_A
    Lie flat on your back, placing one heel on top of a foam roller while straightening the other leg completely in the air. Make sure to keep the leg on the foam roller bent.
  2. Single-Leg Hip Raise with Foot on Foam Roller
    Tighten your abs and press your heel into the foam roller, driving your hips upward, and finishing the movement by squeezing your glutes, making sure not to use your lower back. Return to the starting position.

Trainer’s Tips

  • Contract your glutes at the top of the movement.
  • Avoid having your base foot too far out in front of you. Keep it underneath your knee throughout the exercise.
  • Don't let the heel of your working foot come off the foam roller. Keep it pressed firmly throughout the exercise.