28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleWe recently asked our facebook fans to give us their top reasons for working out. Needless to say the response was overwhelming. Some were serious, some inspiring, and a few were pretty damn funny. And while we can't list them all, we decided to pick some of our favorites and share them with the rest of M&F nation.
So here are our top 20 selections. Let us know what you think and add your own top reasons for working out below. We'd love to hear them.
20. Alfonso Vega: To be healthy and live a long time, so I can be there for my children.
19. Alex Nan: It makes me feel alive!
18. Garry Spee: It's become who I am, and it's now a part of me.
17. Martin Smith: I wanna make my ex jealous.
16. Kiax Coku: Good workout in the gym = happy life.
15. TheAthleticBuild.com: I like to challenge myself physically and mentally.
14. Karen Weinstock: It's a fun, healthy hobby that keeps this homeschool mom sane.
13. Daniel Valerio: I want to battle the Hulk someday.
12. Josh Whittington: Because I want to be able to keep up with my kids as they grow.
11. David Serrano Jr.: It's rewarding to see your body transform into something beautiful! its an art! And I am Picasso.
10.Todd Moore: I like pain.
9. Leo W. James: I refuse to die saying "I should've gone to the gym today!"
8. Christopher Johnson: I strive for greatness and love a challenge…oh, and it keeps me sexy.
7. Chad Showers: It may save my life, or someone else's while on duty.
6. Brye Tantoco: Because health is wealth!
5. Jimmy Logan: It's a disgrace to grow old and never realize the beauty and strength of which your body is capable of. -Socrates
4. Satya Chhe: Average just doesn't sit with me very well.
3. BCC FIT: Because I'm 40 and can still hang with the 20-year-olds!
2. Santiago Larrarte: I want to look good naked.
1. Sybil Williams: Because the weights ain't gonna lift themselves.