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With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleHere at M&F we’re always eyeing new workout tools so when we saw the promotional video for Mega Bar by Gym Supreme on Kickstarter, we knew it was a game changer.
Made of 100% steel, the Mega Bar is a patented pullup bar that turns into a barbell, suspension trainer and band anchor to provide about 50 resistance exercise options in the comfort of your home.
As impressive as it’s versatility is the story of how Mega Bar was created. During the summer of 2011, University of Maryland student Obidi Orakwusi didn’t have a car but was applying to local jobs, the last of which was a gym that didn’t hire him because he wasn’t a personal trainer. Armed with a desire to create a product, Orakwusi decided that his new job would be designing a pullup bar that can do it all. He proceeded to draw the concept on the back of the gym’s job application.
“I used to go to the gym with a friend during school breaks but when break was over that was it for him because he didn’t have access to a gym and didn’t have anything to work out with at home,” says Orakwusi. “I said ‘OK, this product will be compact and versatile but able to replicate gym exercises at home.’”
Once Orakwusi had the first design, he hired an industrial engineering company to create a 3D model of the Mega Bar. Then, the college student decided to patent the product, received the patent at age 22, and sent the blueprints to a manufacturer.
“Mega Bar is the only pullup bar on the market that converts to a barbell,” says Orakwusi. “Along with that, it allows the user to use the suspension trainer without the bar popping off the doorframe.”
Now a certified personal trainer and college graduate with a degree in government and politics, Orakwusi looks to release more workout tools to make staying in shape even easier.
“The future for Gym Supreme is to create more fitness products to help people stay consistent with exercising,” says Orakwusi. “The Mega Bar is going to be the most popular home fitness product for resistance exercise because all of the things it allows the user to do with one product.”
As for his advice to young entrepreneurs, Orakwusi suggests that the time to start acting on an idea is now.
“Don’t waste time saying ‘I’ll do it tomorrow’ or ‘I’ll do it next week,’” says Orakwusi. “Just start on your idea and don’t discouraged just because you’re young and may not have resources.” Click here to for complete details about the Mega Bar.
$100, kickstarter.com