28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleThere are so many great strength- and muscle-building exercises to choose from, so picking the 10 best bodybuilding exercises is a tough (and subjective) task. But the following exercises have withstood the test of time, outlasted every fitness fad and trend, and continue to be the most reliable exercises for bodybuilders. Go ahead, ask any hardcore fitness fanatic and chances are, all of these moves are in their regular arsenal.
If you could only pick 10 exercises to do the rest of your training days, the following (in no particular order) are the ones we recommend. Whether you want to pack on more muscle, build strength, or simply take your overall fitness to the next level, keep these go-to moves in your back pocket.
Per Bernal
Pekic / Getty
Christopher Kimmel / Getty
Dylan Coulter / M+F Magazine
Per Bernal / M+F Magazine
Peathegee Inc / Getty
Per Bernal / M+F Magazine
Edgar Artiga / M+F Magazine
Per Bernal / M+F Magazine