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Read articleThe gym industry has long been a place where passion comes together, but business strategy often falls short. In order to succeed as a gym owner, it requires more than an understanding of sets, reps and equipment, it requires a far deeper understanding of how to engage members, while delivering value. In an effort to unite the gym community, a new event called GymCon has been created, and excitement is already building.
GymCon 2023 is a three-day event that will gather fitness insiders, business experts, celebrites, and gym owners from all over with the intent on sharing key success strategies. The event is taking place on May 4-6 in Orlando, Florida, and it’s being organized by Gym Launch, a respected organization that helps gym owners maximize their potential through remote coaching. Their CEO, Cale Owen, feels this is a remarkable opportunity that is coming at a very important time.
“This will help independent gym owners as well as gym franchisees learn exactly how to build a million dollar or more gym in three days,” said Owen, who will be speaking about this from firsthand experience. The former baseball player transitioned to the gym industry, eventually opening one of his own in St. Augustine, Florida. After two successful years, Owen discovered Gym Launch and worked his way up the ladder to his current position as CEO.
“I started as a client in 2017, and they changed the trajectory of the gym and the trajectory of my life. I came on as a lower end sales guy in 2018,” he recalled. “My wife was in the gym as well, so she was able to run it day-to-day, and I was all in on helping gym owners.”
Between Owen’s personal experience as a gym owner and his work with Gym Launch, his fingerprints can be seen on many successful independent and corporate franchise gyms. One mistake he helps others avoid is falling for the concept that “if I build it, they will come.” Going it alone just based on a passion for fitness can be a bad strategy, and Owen knows this firsthand.
“It’s the biggest lie in the industry. There are people like myself and others that have already paid the ignorance tax. Gym Launch can provide the shortcuts and guidance to bypass all the pain and suffering that many gym owners have gone through to be able to reach their dreams.”
Even with the success he’s seen in the two years since he took the helm, he saw potential to reach even more people and make a bigger impact. Thus, the concept for GymCon was born.
“We want to give people the opportunity in three days to know exactly what they need to do inside of their business, and how to do it so they can go on and build the gym of their dreams.”
GymCon is their first that was organized for the public. The first day will focus on acquisitions, sales, and branding. The second day will emphasize operations and team building. Day three will be about how to put your blueprint together and apply the information to create a successful gym business.
Owen and his team have lined up an all-star group of speakers to share their expertise, including Olympia champion Flex Lewis, MLB legend Alex Rodriguez, Gym Launch founders Alex and Leila Hormozi, Gym Launch VP Maggie Owen, Jason Phillips of the Nutritional Coaching Institute, editor Mike Easter, and Olympia President Dan Solomon.
Solomon recently joined Owen on his “Gym Lords” podcast and shared why he felt this is such a valuable opportunity for both gym owners and those in the muscle building community.
“I was so glad when I heard about GymLaunch and GymCon. I was excited because I’ve been talking to my team about the disconnect that exists between the stuff we’re doing and the gym world. Let’s face it, the gym world is where it all goes down,” said Solomon. “The gym world is the central artery of all of the fitness industry.”
As for the purpose of GymCon2023, Owen shared that he’s been to conferences that have included a lot of “theory and fluff.” He sees the goal of GymCon to help attendees get much more value out of the experience so they can see tangible results, applying what they learn.
“Our goal is to simplify everything, to give gym owners what they need to know so they know exactly what to do. No one will leave this conference with questions about what to do to be successful. They will walk away knowing exactly what to do, and they will be able to go out and do it.”
For more information on GymCon and to secure tickets, visit www.GymCon.com/Orlando-2023 and follow @gymlaunch on Instagram.