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Read articleHost Dennis James was joined by regular panel members Milos Sarcev and Chris Cormier for Episode 219 of The Menace Podcast, and talk soon turned to how Derek Lunsord could give Samson Dauda a run for his money at the 2025 Arnold Classic.
With the great and good of the bodybuilding industry set to collide in Columbus, OH, from February 27 – March 2, James made the case that fans want to see if Derek Lunsford can present an improved look from the front, compared with his appearance at last year’s Olympia. “Does he have the cross striations in his chest?” he asked ahead of the Arnold. “Because, I think, if he can get those striations, like diced, which he never had, if he can get that, (then) that puts him above Samson because he doesn’t have those super deep fine lines. He has the striations, but that would be the only thing that he could get over Samson.”
Still, Lunsford wasn’t the only contender in the frame this week. Observing his front double biceps pose, Sarcev says that Lunsford is “off the chart” and always “super competitive,” but believes that Andrew Jacked has the better presentation with this pose. He does acknowledge that Samson is “phenomenal” however. So, it could be a toss-up, he concludes.
When it comes to poses like the side chest, Chris Cormier reveals that Lunsford has been switching things up to present the best possible package at this year’s Arnold. The panel also praised Brandon Curry who has been showing a phenomenal physique in his recent social media posts. “God bless Dennis for keeping up with these weekly Arnold picks,” wrote one invested fan. “I can’t wait to see Derek’s new posing presentation,” commented another. “I hate to see these top guys that just can’t seem to hit their mandatories correctly.”
To listen to the full show, including the panels latest picks for the 2025 Arnold, and Cormier sharing a story of when he trained with Dorian Yates, you can access the full episode by clicking here!