28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleMany vitamins have strict limitations on dosing, but because humans don’t possess the enzymes necessary for vitamin C production, it is imperative that we acquire it via diet and vitamin supplementation. Furthermore, vitamin C is quickly in and out of the body. With this in mind, it is important to keep a constant level in the body. The best way to do this is by taking several doses of vitamin C throughout the day and making certain that your diet contains foods rich in vitamin C.
The recommended daily dosage handed down by the FDA is 90 mg daily for an adult male and 75 mg daily for an adult female, but knowing how quickly this vitamin is out of the system and that the human body doesn’t produce vitamin C on its own, it would seem that individuals engaging in regular physical activities as well as performance athletes would require much more than the recommended daily allowance.
I am a staunch believer that more is better with vitamin C. For healthy individuals, I like to see someone take in about 500 mg twice a day (on the low end). However, for someone who works and partakes in strenuous physical activity or when stress levels are elevated and the strength of the immune system comes into play, I feel it is important to take vitamin C anywhere from 500 mg three times daily up to 1,000 mg three times daily.
Vitamin C is touted as one of the safest vitamins in terms of side effects and adverse effects. Some of the worst reported side effects of taking too much vitamin C are stomach discomfort, stomach cramping, and the possibility of diarrhea. In any case, you should always consult with your doctor to fnd out if you have any underlying conditions or issues that would cause you to limit your daily vitamin C intake.
Taking vitamin C, either in food or supplement form, along with iron, helps increase iron absorption, which is very important for individuals who are anemic or those with a slow-functioning thyroid. Many people with a slow-functioning thyroid also have low iron and low vitamin C levels.