28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleWe began counting down the TOP 10 TRAINING MISTAKES yesterday with numbers 10-6 (click here for part 1), so now its time to cover the top 5. Pay careful attention, because this is a posedown of the blunders responsible for halting more progress than any others. Get out your workout logbook and tighten up your wrist straps as we count down the five most likely derailments of your training progress and explain how to avoid them.
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Click NEXT PAGE to see the #5 training mistake!
When it comes to over training, we prefer to focus on the resting component and not the working component because, for most bodybuilders, the problem is not too much workout volume or intensity. Instead, the culprit negating their gains is almost always insuf f icient rest between workouts. You need to properly space your gym sessions to make cer tain you fully recover and grow before hitting the heavy iron again.
Click NEXT PAGE to see the #4 training mistake
Except for those lucky few who already have too much of a good thing, bodybuilders don’t neglect biceps or pecs. On the other hand, f rom raw neophytes to those doing their thousandth workout, too many bodybuilders neglect cardio, stretching and abs — none of which provide the pleasing pump of dumbbell curls or bench presses — and they may not allow any room in their routines for smaller bodyparts, such as forearms. You’re likely unaware that you’re shortchanging some crucial bodybuilding components and therefore shortchanging your overall progress.
Click NEXT PAGE to see the #3 training mistake
Abs, back, quads, triceps and traps — those are five bodyparts where, over the course of our classes, we discussed missing the targeted areas with exercise selection and performance. What do they have in common? They’re all complex bodyparts with a variety of areas to hit — and thus a variety of areas to miss. Too many bodybuilders think they’re hitting, say, their lower lats or outer quads while in fact they’re whif f ing over and over again.
Click NEXT PAGE to see the #2 training mistake
It’s easiest to stay in the midrange of reps and avoid stretches and contractions, and that’s why bodybuilders work the middle on set af ter set. Consequently, they also minimize their gains. This can and does occur with any bodypart, but it’s especially prevalent on leg day. Too many bodybuilders go too short and quick on reps of squats, leg presses and standing calf raises. This allows you to move more metal, but not motivate more muscle. The key to growth is stressing your muscles through full ranges of motion.
Click NEXT PAGE to see the #1 training mistake
Over the course of the H.U.G.E.™ Gym Class, we repeatedly told you ways — big and small — to alter your workouts. That is because the most common training mistake is sticking to the same routine long after it’s outlived its usefulness. For some, it’s a lack of imagination that keeps them doing the same basics in the same order. For others, a kind of iner tia takes over, so they robotically do the same exercises for the same reps with the same weights, giving their muscles no new stress to adapt to. If you’re making continuous strength gains on a routine, you can stick with it. If you’re not, change it now.
If you missed PART 1, click here to see solutions #6-10!