28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleFrom the 2017 Olympia lineup, we’re talking about Big Ramy (second), whose dimensions morph into a walking eclipse; Roelly Winklaar (sixth), who had been somewhat wayward earlier in his career but has in his time at Oxygen Gym maintained his knockout body parts while streamlining his midsection and carving in refinement elsewhere; Britain’s Nathan DeAsha (seventh), who practically lives in Bader’s emporium and who, in his two-year pro career, has won two pro shows, was named Rookie of the Year in 2016, and has earned the accolade of most improved in 2017; Brandon Curry (eighth), who after years of not really living up to his potential had a sensational breakthrough in 2018 with a newly minted physique that really tapped into his potential.
So what’s the secret? Oxygen Gym is set up like a boot camp, with advisers and coaches on hand to direct all elements of training, nutrition, and supplementation.
Here’s how Brandon Curry explains the Oxygen experience: “Training, eating, sleeping is what takes priority each day. I get constant supervision, particularly from my main coach, Abdullah. They cover everything: ‘How much are you peeing, how is the pump, and how many meals have you eaten?’ are constant questions. Their programs are specifically designed for your needs; it’s never one size fits all.
“I typically wake around 7 a.m., then head to the gym for cardio and some touch-up work on muscle groups that need extra attention. I will normally eat seven meals a day. After my third meal I train under my coach’s supervision for 60 to 90 minutes. When we finish, I take my post-workout supplementation that is not included in the seven-meal count and then eat 30 to 40 minutes later. I have a third training session later in the day.
“All the trainers out there have great knowledge in generating off-season gains and then dialing it in for contests. Where have they gathered this info from? These guys have been following and studying bodybuilding way before anyone even recognized them on the scene. All the guys have a personal love for the sport and experimented themselves along the way. Abdullah recognizes the most subtle changes in my physique. He is always testing my reaction to slight variations, taking what he learns to incorporate it at an appropriate time. No one has learned my physique so fast.”
Look for more pros to head eastward to take advantage of Bader Boodai’s House of Pain and Gains.