28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleDon’t take this personally: but if you’re like the majority of people in the weightroom, your lats probably suck. Let’s not sugar coat it, it is what it is. When someone looks at you from the front and the back, oftentimes it’s like they’re seeing two different people.
It’s too bad because it doesn’t have to be that way. Even though you don’t see your back, others do. And when you well developed lats, it really separate the decent “fit bodies” from the “hardcore lifter ones.”
Having thick, hanging lats is not merely about looking jacked from all angles. Far from it!
If you want to lift big, not get injured or look great, you must have those lats.
Yet, few people do.
Let’s take care of that with these small but invaluable form fixes that will allow your lats to grow without you having to completely overhaul your routine or use some sort of specialization approach or complex methods.
Having bigger, stronger lats comes down to three simple rules:
Ray Mentzer (training partner and brother to bodybuilding icon Mike Mentzer) used to say that pressing and pulling is all about the elbows. And he was 100% correct!
Pretty much every pulling exercise can favor either the upper back (mid traps, rhomboids, rear delts) or the lats, depending on what happens with the elbows. If your lats are poor, chances are that you are doing all your pulling exercises in a way that they emphasize the upper back and thus under stimulate the lats.
Let me know if this sounds familiar: “To really hit that back, you must focus on squeezing the shoulder blades together” (or a cue like: Try to pinch my finger with your shoulder blades).
It should be familiar because it’s the most common cue when doing a pulling exercise. And if your goal is to target the upper back, then it’s the right cue.
However, doing this will actually decrease lats activation.
And from working in gyms for over 25 years I noticed that people use this technique even on exercises supposed to hit the lats, essentially turning it into another upper back movement.
Why? Because it’s much easier to “feel” the upper back than lats. When you focus on squeezing the shoulder blades it’s easier to feel like it’s working (even if it’s working the wrong region) and people stick to that.
You can essentially turn any pulling exercise into a more lats dominant movement, simply by changing the pulling-path slightly.
Path we are shooting for: Bringing the elbow behind the mid-line of the body (pulling backward)
Cue: Squeeze the shoulder blades together, or bring the elbow far back
To focus more on the lats
Path we are shooting for: Pulling your elbows toward your hip joint (not going behind your body)
Cue: Elbows to the hips, or move your shoulder away from your ear (downward)
Whether you are doing a lat pulldown, seated row, dumbbell row, etc, these rules apply and you can positively bias either your lats or upper back.
Stop giggling—it’s not what you originally thought it meant. This acronym was first coined by bodybuilding coach Mike Van Wyck. It means:
That refers to the fullest range of motion in which the target muscle is producing a high level of tension. This is not the same thing as full range of motion. That refers to the longest amplitude you can reach on an exercise regardless of if you lose tension in some parts or not.
Here is a simple example. When you perform a dumbbell lateral raise (for your delts), there is essentially no tension on your muscles during the initial 15 degrees of movement (arms to your side to 1/8th of the way up) . After that initial underloaded portion, however, the tension ramps up rapidly.
A full range of motion rep would start with your arms tucked to your sides, or in front of you with both DBs touching each other).
But in a F.A.R.T. rep, you’d start each rep a few inches away from your body, so you already have tension when you begin your rep.
Those ranges of motion where tension/resistance goes down can have two major impact on limiting the effectiveness of your set.
With lats, that second factor is the most common. Especially on lat pulldown variations.
People like to overstretch the lats at the top, believing that this stretch gives them more growth. But not all muscles respond well to stretch-induced hypertrophy. In the case of the lats, if you overstretch them on a pulldown, they lose their capacity to produce tension. That’s when rear delts or arms will take over. And if you have poor lats development, you are probably not good at creating lats tension. When you lose it at the top, it will be almost impossible to establish it.
In the case of your pulldown exercises you don’t want to cut the movement short, but you don’t want to overstretch either: don’t let the shoulder travel upward more than a natural position, then focus on initiating the pull by bringing your shoulder down, then elbow toward your hip (not behind).
Yes, I did say that you can bias every pulling exercise either toward the lats or upper back. But some positions make it easier to hit the upper back while others will facilitate recruiting the lats.
Let’s look at the two most common position for pulling exercises:
Group A does favor hitting the lats. But you can ruin that advantage by setting up wrong:
If you apply the information above, it will be very easy to target your lats and make them grow
But here are few quickies you can add for some added benefits:
The only thing that I’ll add is that fixing a lagging muscle takes time. After all, in the best possible situation, a natural lifter can hope to build 0.5-1lb of muscle tissue per month on their whole body. So don’t expect 5lbs of lats beef gained in a month. From experience, you can start to see visual changes after 3-4 weeks and it takes about 12 weeks to make a big difference.
But if you stick with it, it will work!