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Read articleIt was a big weekend in Columbus, Ohio for everyone at the Arnold Sports Festival, but especially for 21-year-old powerlifter Amanda Lawrence, who broke American records in her opener squat at 240kg/529lbs and second deadlift at 246kg/542lbs.
You can check out the video on Lawrence’s Instagram here.
Lawrence took the Gold at the SBD Grand Prix with 596kg/1314lbs total 83.6kg calculating to 909 IPF points. Lawrence said on Instagram that this meet was “the biggest she’s done to date.” This win is coming right off of her second place finish at the 2018 USAPL Raw Nationals Meet in October, where she broke American records with 238.5kg/525 lb second attempt squat and a 245kg/540 lb third attempt deadlift. According to Barbend.com, Lawrence is striving towards lifting 600 lbs, which is the equivalent of lifting an average-sized adult male brown bear. We can’t wait to see what the future will hold and how many more records she’ll break.