28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleFormer Muscle & Fitness Hers cover star Emily Skye is known for her blatant honesty with followers when it comes to all things fitness and nutrition. She has kept up with her unfiltered approach to social media throughout her pregnancy. She gave birth to an adorable baby girl, Mia, on Christmas, and since then she’s been sharing plenty of photos along with tidbits of motivation and updates on her new fitness journey.
On Friday, she posted side-by-side shots of her posing in a bikini and holding Mia, along with a caption detailing the steps she’s taking to get back on track with her fitness and diet routine.
Skye is taking it slow and waiting for the all-clear to get back into lifting weights, proving that yes, even fitness models understand that after childbirth your body needs some well-deserved rest. “Progress, even if it’s slow is still progress and is something we should always be happy about,” she writes.
She also shared a progress photo on Saturday after a cardio session on the treadmill—wearing her boyfriend’s shorts, since none of her own fit her yet, she says (and accompanies with some laughing emojis, of course).
“I have a LONG way to go but I’m gonna do it! The first step to achieving ANY goal is believing you can do it and I 1000% believe I can do anything I set my mind to,” she writes. “I’m not only doing this for me but I’m doing this so I can be the best I can possibly be for my daughter.”
In another post, she reveals that following Mia’s birth, she struggled with postpartum depression.
“I spent at least 10 days feeling really sad and I cried constantly for no reason! I couldn’t understand how I was so blessed and happy to have my precious Mia and yet I felt soooo miserable. Luckily those feelings passed and I started feeling more normal,” she writes. “My hormones were balancing, I managed to get some sleep and what really we helped me was moving my body – I started some light workouts (mainly walking – as I’ve previously posted about) and I felt so much better instantly. It’s amazing how good you feel after moving your body and getting the blood flowing. I already feel like a new person! The natural high you get is the best – I hadn’t had that in about 4 months and oh how I’d missed that feeling!”
Her openness about her struggle is inspiring, and she hopes that her lifestyle can motivate others to take the first steps on their own fitness journeys and be happier and healthier. She’s also stressing that she’s being realistic and taking her time to get back into her pre-pregnancy workout and diet regimen, because the last thing a new mom needs is pressure to “bounce back”.
Follow Skye on Instagram at @emilyskyefit to keep up with her progress and her inspirational posts on all things fitness.