28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleAussie “Instagram celebrity” Essena O’Neill announced last week that she was “quitting social media.” The 18-year-old from Coolum Beach, Queensland, decided to quit the Instagram account where she had over a half million followers and ditch YouTube after revealing what it really took for her to look as lean and beautiful as she did in her photos, as well as letting audiences know now that she was being paid for some of her posts. This garnered some media buzz because she now included comments on her previous posts noting where “I didn’t pay for the dress,” or, “I took over 100 similar poses trying to make my stomach look good,” and, “I would have hardly eaten that day” on her beach bikini photos. She’s keeping her Vimeo account active and started a website called LetsBeGameChangers.com whose platform “acts to spread new age messages of conscious living, addition to technology, minimize the celebrity culture, promote veganism, plant based nutrition, environmental awareness, social issues, gender equality, controversial art.” According to SunshinePostDaily.com, O’Neill has deleted almost 2,000 photos from her Instagram account and changed her account name to “Social Media Is Not Real Life.” (Which we couldn’t find to link to.)
While “quitting social media” might be extreme for the rest of us—we love following our favorite bodybuilders, fit celebrities, athletes and readers on social—O’Neill’s take-home message is a reminder to take pause before comparing yourself and your life to those you see on social. Those photos of “perfect bodies” and “flawless selfies” aren’t always as effortless as they look and may have been through several takes, then edited and filtered until they look ‘perfect.’ We also recognize that it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to look like the athletes, fitness models, trainers, and fit celebrities we see in media, and many of them have a team around them helping every step of the way.“It’s human nature, I think, to compare yourself to others,” says Nicole Rohr Stephani, founder of eating disorder recovery and body image blog, Body Boop. Social media is such a visual medium, chances are, you’re going to compare yourself to someone as you’re scrolling through your feed, she says.
Here are Stephani’s tips for healthy ways to use social media for inspiration and motivation to help you reach your goals: