28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleIt’s the holidays, so let’s be real: You’re probably going to indulge a bit, whether it’s through alcohol, eggnog, or carb-heavy side dishes. And while some of your friends and gym buddies might be giving you slack for ingesting more added sugar in one day than you normally do in a month, we here at Muscle & Fitness see nothing wrong with celebrating (within reason). We’ve preached the benefits, both mental and physical, of having your favorite foods without feeling guilty for it.
Thankfully, treating yourself doesn’t have to hurt your gains. There are ways you can have an extra side of stuffing without struggling to stuff yourself into your jeans the next morning. And we’re not even talking bench presses or deadlifts here—we’ll outline how to “delete” your treats with just a few minutes of walking (feel free to do that in between the main course and dessert, or if you need a quick getaway from your conspiracy theory uncle).
In this article, we’ve listed five different classic holiday foods alongside a workout you can do to burn off the calories.
Brent Hofacker
Billion Photos
Nelli Syrotynska