28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleHere’s one way to make leg day even better: supersize it. “Reciprocal supersets increase training density, allowing you to pack more volume into less time. This not only makes your workout more efficient, it also means you’re increasing training volume within a given session, which can enhance muscle development,” explains Brad Schoenfeld, Ph.D., C.S.C.S, an assistant professor of exercise science at Lehman College in the Bronx, NY.
The concept is fairly simple: Work one muscle group (agonist) while the opposing one (antagonist) rests, then switch the order.
For legs, this may mean focusing on quads for one move (with squats or a leg press), followed promptly by a hamstring-centric move like a deadlift or ball curl.
“Studies indicate that by contracting an agonist muscle, you can actually increase force output during subsequent contractions of the antagonist,” adds Schoenfeld.
These two workouts are based on Schoenfeld’s book, Strong & Sculpted:
You can also sub in other moves to progress the workout.
Looking for more variety in your workout? Try subbing in some of the moves below. Just make sure you’re adding a balance of quad- or hamstring-focused exercises where appropriate.
SUPERSET A (Quad-dominant)
SUPERSET B (Hamstring-dominant)
Shot on location at Matrix Fitness Club, Astoria, NY
Edgar Artiga
Edgar Artiga
Edgar Artiga
Edgar Artiga
Edgar Artiga
Edgar Artiga