28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleWith the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
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Read articleAmp up your fat burn and blast calories with these 17 high-intensity interval workouts, perfect for your schedule no matter how little time or equipment you have at the ready.
Check out the scientific research behind HIIT and get hooked.
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Inti St Clair / Getty
Can’t get to the gym? These equipment-free routines scorch calories using just your body weight so you can do them anywhere, anytime.
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Drazen_ / Getty
Time: 10 minutes
Expert: Gennifer Strobo, IFBB pro figure competitor
IG: @gennid
“This workout gives a heart-rate boost and can be squeezed in even if you only have a few minutes.”
Do each move for 30 seconds, resting 20 seconds between each one. Each cycle lasts 10 minutes.
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Drazen_ / Getty
Time: 15–30 minutes
Expert: Bedros Keuilian, founder and CEO of Fit Body Boot Camp
Complete each move for 40 seconds, resting 10 seconds between each. Complete two to four rounds, resting one to two minutes between rounds.
1. Triceps dip
2. Bicycle abs
3. Dynamic plank (Go from full plank to elbow plank, lowering one arm at a time, then back to full plank, alternating arms.)
4. Mountain climber
5. High knee
6. Lateral stepup (Face a stair on one side, step down and up with one leg; switch sides after 20 seconds.)
7. Reverse lunge
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milanvirijevic / Getty
Time: 25 minutes
Expert: Jamie Botti, Trainer, Titan Fitness Studios, New York City
Perform each move for 45 seconds, resting for no more than 10 to 15 seconds between each move. Complete three rounds, taking one minute to recover after each round.
1. Squat thruster
2. Pushup
3. Burpee with jumping jack
4. Alternating lunge
5. Triceps dip
6. Mountain climber
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Westend61 / Getty
Time: 15–20 minutes
Expert: Malia Frey, weight-loss expert
Twitter: @maliafrey
“This workout is perfect for when you’re stuck at the office or home. Stair sprints target glutes and hamstrings, cankle-crushing heel raises shape calves, and running down stairs on recovery helps you build stronger legs.”
Repeat sequence two to three times.
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Per Bernal
Time: 12 minutes
Expert: Ashley Kaltwasser, IFBB bikini pro, 3-time bikini Olympia champion, fitness model
IG: @ashleykfit
Do each move for 50 seconds, resting for 10 seconds before moving to the next one. Repeat circuit three times.
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Ian Spanier / M+F Magazine
Up the intensity and variety by incorporating some favorite gym tools, from battle ropes and kettlebells to medicine balls and free weights.
SEE ALSO: Summer Slim-Down Plan
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Peathegee Inc / Getty
Time: 25–30 minutes
Expert: Julia Ladewski, C.S.C.S., strength and conditioning coach
“This workout kicks my butt every time. It targets many main muscle groups, including the shoulders, hips, hamstrings, chest, back, and quads, while challenging the heart. If you really give maximal effort, it’s a tough one to finish.”
Rest for 60 to 90 seconds after the circuit. Repeat six to eight times.
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mihailomilovanovic / Getty
Time: 25 minutes
Expert: Flex Cabral, Trooper Fitness, New York
IG: @trooperflex
“I really like this routine because it’s a good combination of power, strength, and endurance that challenges different energy systems in your body along with providing some agility and balance. It’s a quick and effective total-body metabolic workout.”
Complete five rounds.
Tabata supersets: Do 20 sec. of work/10 sec. recovery; complete five rounds.
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EmirMemedovski / Getty
Time: 5 minutes
Expert: Lacee Lazoff, trainer, NYC
IG: @laceelazoff
Use a kettlebell (ideally 12kg or 20lbs or heavier). Complete three rounds, taking 10 seconds to rest between moves and 20 seconds between rounds. Use the same kettlebell for all movements, with the option to increase weight for swings.
1. Kettlebell deadlift to high pull (40 sec.)
2. Kettlebell swing (30 sec.)
3. Burpee (20 sec.)
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Per Bernal
Time: 45–50 minutes
Expert: Lacee Lazoff
This workout uses kettlebells, a rower, battle ropes, plus a TRX to keep you moving every minute.
(5 min.)
Do each move for 45 seconds, three rounds total, resting 20 seconds between rounds.
Do each move for 30 seconds; do three rounds total, taking 20 seconds rest between rounds.
Do each part of the superset for 45 seconds; repeat each sequence twice before moving on to the next.
Do these Tabata-style: 20-second intervals, 10 seconds rest; eight rounds, with maximum effort during work intervals
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Edgar Artiga
Time: 15 minutes
Expert: Reggie Chambers, trainer
TWITTER: @reggiefitness
Do the following moves for 30 seconds each, resting 10 to 15 seconds after each exercise. Do two rounds.
SEE ALSO: Instant Power-Up Tabata Workout
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Per Bernal
Time: 45 minutes
Expert: Paige Hathaway, fitness and lifestyle expert
IG: @paigehathaway
Complete eight rounds of each of the following eight exercises as quickly as possible. See how fast it can take you to get through the whole workout.
1. Pullup (8 reps)
2. Wide-stance squat jump with weighted medicine ball (8 reps)
3. Bench dip (8 reps)
4. Lateral bench jumpover (8 reps)
5. Squat thrust with pushup on bosu (8 reps)
6. Stepup (8 reps per leg)
7. Diamond jump (Begin in squat position, arms crossed. Jump up, bringing hands and toes together. 8 reps)
8. Mountain climber with hands on bosu (8 reps)
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francesco / Getty
Time: 35–40 minutes
Expert: Yami Mufdi, trainer and fitness model
IG: @yamimufdi
“All you need for this workout are two kettlebells and a Dynamax (soft) medicine ball. It’s a surefire way to get your heart pumping and burn fat while targeting the main muscle groups.”
Do eight rounds of the following exercises:
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Jay Sullivan
Time: 16 minutes
Expert: Latorya Watts, 2015 Olympia figure champion
IG: @latoryawatts
Do these four battle-rope exercises in the order given for 30 seconds each, then rest 30 seconds between each move; complete the circuit four times.
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JGI/Tom Grill / Getty
Time: 20 minutes
Expert: Julia Avery, fitness instructor
IG: @juliavery
The first exercise of each set is a kettlebell movement, followed by a body-weight move.
Complete as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) for each five-minute round.
Continue for 5 minutes; rest 2 minutes.
SEE ALSO: The 5 Best Exercises For Women
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BraunS / Getty
Cardio machines can help increase the calorie burn and keep your heart rate elevated. HIIT workouts help keep them from getting boring!
SEE ALSO: 4 Exercises Every Runner Should Do
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Cavan Images / Getty
TIME: 10 minutes
Expert: Arielle Childs, fitness and wellness mentor
IG: @arielle.louise
Try to keep up a rate of 26 spm (strokes per minute, which is displayed on the rowing-machine console). Add one power stroke at the top of each minute interval. Recover between the last of your power strokes until the beginning of the next minute.
Continue this ladder until you reach 18 hard strokes.
SEE ALSO: Row Your Way To A Leaner Body
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TIME: 15–20 minutes
Expert: Jenn Ventriglia, former MMA fighter
IG: @justjennnn
“These sprints are designed to help build explosive cardio as well as burn fat for weight loss. As an active competitive fighter, I can attest how effective these sprint cycles are.”
Vary your treadmill speeds from a walk (about 3 mph) to a jog (6 to 6.5 mph) to a sprint (8 to 10 mph). Increase by .5 mph for each set.
Repeat the format as above, increasing to a 20-second sprint at .5 mph faster; reduce jog to 20 seconds.
This is a challenge series for more advanced exercisers. Repeat as above, increasing to a 30-second sprint at .5 mph faster; jog for 30 seconds to recover.
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Time: 20 minutes each
Expert: Lena Marti, personal trainer
IG, TWITTER: @coachleenyc
“The following three workouts are all effective ways to get your heart rate into the afterburn zone, which can help you burn more calories up to 36 hours post exercise.”
Treadmill and rower Warm up for a few minutes on either machine, then do six to eight rounds of the following:
Battle rope/medicine ball Do 10 rounds of the following:
Jump rope/jump squat
Complete as many rounds as possible for 20 minutes.
SEE ALSO: 8 Unconventional Exercises for a Total-Body Workout”
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