Complete each exercise in order two times through.
Glute Bridges (10 reps)
Forward Lunge With Rotation (5 per side)
Pause at bottom of lunge and plant the hand of the back leg on the floor inside the front foot; rotate chest toward front knee while reaching to the ceiling with hand of front leg. Hold for 2 sec. and then switch.
March in Place (30 sec.)
Do these six exercises as a circuit with five Medicine Ball Slams between each exercise. Rest 30 sec. after medicine ball slams. Complete three rounds.
Walking Lunge With Torso Rotation Holding Medicine Ball at Chest (10 per side)
Alternating Pushup With Med Ball Under One Hand (5 per arm)
Forearm Plank (45 to 60 sec.)
Single-leg RDL Holding Medicine Ball (10 per leg)
10 Pullups (if needed, use an elastic strap or weight-assist machine)
Russian Twist With Medicine Ball (10 to 20 per side)
Workout by Hollis Tuttle, RRCA-certified running coach, Mile High Run Club, New York City