28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleYou know better than to believe those grade-school rumors that doing chest exercises will help increase the size of your breasts. No one’s ever gone from Olive Oil to Jessica Rabbit simply by doing pushups—that we know of. But, if you’ve lost elasticity with age and/or breastfeeding, your boobs probably aren’t as perky as they were in your early 20s. Short of scheduling an appointment with a plastic surgeon, you can make some subtle improvements in the perkiness of your breasts with the right training routine.
“You can’t spot reduce…but you can sort of spot train,” says Autumn Calabrese, C.P.T., creator of 21-Day Fix and Beachbody on Demand 80-Day Obsession program. “What I mean by that is, if you want bigger biceps, then you need to work your biceps, or, if you want a more rounded and shapely butt, you need to work those muscles. The thing is that with perkier breasts, that comes more from fat tissue—than it does from muscle-building.”
“Focus on toning the entire upper body, including the chest muscles, so that we can at least build the chest muscles a bit, and shape the upper body and work the posture muscles so that you’re standing nice and tall and holding your shoulders back. This is going to help keep things looking more pulled up and pulled back than if you’re hunched forward. The goal is to train the upper body and obviously work the chest—but to work the back muscles as well, so that your posture is very nice.”
Incorporate three or four of these chest exercises into your fitness routine to lift the girls, stand up straighter, and look better in your favorite Lulu Lemon outfit.
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