28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleNASM certified trainer and best-selling author Rebecca Louise is a big believer in overcoming the excuses that we create in order to put obstacles in the way of working out. Her book, It Takes Grit has been a go-to guide for many to rediscover fitness, and her podcast of the same name has been downloaded more than 250,000 times. Louise shares her “cardio sculpt” workout that can be done both indoors or outdoors or pretty much anywhere.
Originally from Eastbourne, England, Louise moved to California in 2011 following her struggles with an eating disorder. Starting a new life by attaining her commercial pilot’s license, she soon realized, however, that health and fitness was where her true passion lay. “Realizing my love for physical activity and my desire to help people overcome their own body dysmorphia is what really fuels me, and gives me purpose each day,” she says.
When it comes to finding the motivation to workout, Louise, who is also active on YouTube and Instagram and has racked up more than 400 million views for her training and fitness tips, understands that people need to be honest with themselves before they will begin to make positive changes to their lifestyles. “People are busy and want the honest truth about how to get results, so I think it’s important to be straightforward,” she says. “Being tough doesn’t motivate everyone, but being honest is going to help you get where you want to be.”
Still, Louise understands that these past 18 months, with lockdowns and those additional mental and financial burdens, has knocked many people off the path to a healthier body. “First off, there is no need to be hard on yourself or beat yourself up,” she says. “The past is the past and the only way forward is to look there. Instead of focusing on the weight you are looking to lose, put daily intention into feeding your body great fuel and moving often. This way, we are looking to add years to our life instead of being obsessed with a number on the scale. For me, it’s always about the bigger picture; your health and the quality of your life rather than losing weight for a certain occasion. When we look at it this way, we are more likely to stick to our goals.”
This exclusive cardio sculpt circuit can be tried on the beach, as demonstrated by Rebecca, or it can be attempted in the privacy of your own home, making it a great way to get your fitness goals back on track. “Every routine I create has a buildup to midway through, and then we ease off until the very end, where we hit an extra burn. I love coming up with new moves, different routines and finding where we can improve our results!”
Do 30 seconds of each exercise for 3 rounds, with 20 seconds rest between each round.
Try this workout often, and if you want to make it more advanced as you find it easier, modify it by adding weights or resistance bands.
“I am here to inspire you to believe in yourself more,” says Rebecca Louise. “See that anything is possible when you choose to believe it, and that the only limitations you have are the ones that you put on yourself.”