28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleWith the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
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Read articleWhether you consider pro wrestling fine theater or the most appalling spectacle on television, if you lift weights, you can’t deny that you’ve drawn inspiration from its Superstars. Wrestling has always been a melting pot of the biggest and most multidimensional athletes in all sports—from football players and powerlifters to bodybuilders and martial arts experts—and it has showcased some of the world’s most famous physiques. We looked back at some of the best-developed bodies in the history of the squared circle, the ones who made us want to train and those who are inspiring today’s new generation of wrestling fans and fitness buffs.
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Courtesy of WWE
Billed Height: 6’4″
Billed Weight: 275 lbs.
He was the men’s regret and the ladies’ pet. The man of the hour, the one with the power and too sweet to be sour. These are just some of the candid self-assessments Graham offered in interviews to hype matches. His on-camera demeanor—think of a hopped-up hippie who could crush your skull—and trademark feather boas, tie-dye leggings, bleach-blond hair and goatee influenced countless grapplers who came later, including Hulk Hogan, Jesse Ventura and “Big Poppa Pump” Scott Steiner. Wrestlers also tried to emulate his physique. Graham was an amateur bodybuilder who trained with Arnold at Gold’s in Venice, CA. The first true mass monster of pro wrestling, he legitimately benched nearly 600 pounds, and unquestionably set the standard for the larger physiques that dominated the business in the ’80s. Today, the WWE refers to the wrestlers on its roster as “superstars”—a moniker that has stuck since Graham wore it.
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Courtesy of WWE
Billed Height: 6’1″
Billed Weight: 276 lbs.
It’s hard to say what the “Big Bad Booty Daddy” will be best remembered for—being one of the most gifted athletes in wrestling history, or having one of the freakiest physiques on the planet. An exceptional college wrestler (Steiner was an All-American at the University of Michigan), his signature move—the Frankensteiner, in which he’d jump, wrap his legs around an opponent’s neck in midair, and flip the poor fool onto his head—is widely regarded as the most impressive technique ever seen in the ring. Years later, Steiner reinvented himself by channeling the spirit of “Superstar” Billy Graham and adopting the persona “Big Poppa Pump.” He transformed his already chiseled physique into nearly 300 pounds of Mr. Olympia-caliber mass and had another run at the top of the heap.
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George Napolitano / Getty
Billed Height: 6’7″
Billed Weight: 303 lbs.
People who know nothing about wrestling know a lot about Hulk Hogan. The most popular figure in sports entertainment history owes much of that notoriety to his physique—one of the all-time most massive. Hogan’s fabled “24-inch pythons” and constant exhortations to say prayers, take vitamins and train hard inspired kids to exercise long before they were even allowed in gyms.
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Courtesy of WWE
Billed Height: 6’3″
Billed Weight: 286 lbs.
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Courtesy of WWE
Billed Height: 6’6″
Billed Weight: 290 lbs.
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Courtesy of WWE
Billed Height: 6’0″
Billed Weight: 229 lbs.
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Courtesy of WWE
Billed Height: 6’2″
Billed Weight: 280 lbs.
Despite having a relatively short run at the top of the game, the Ultimate Warrior remains one of the most memorable superstars in the pro wrestling chronicle. His unique face paint, victories over the Honky Tonk Man and Hulk Hogan, and nonsensical interviews were enough to set him apart, but his physique may be his greatest legacy. Jacked, shredded and freaky, Warrior created a new standard for wrestlers who wanted to make muscles their gimmick.
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Courtesy of WWE
Billed Height: 6’4″
Billed Weight: 285 lbs.
During his run in WCW, the former Atlanta Falcons defensive tackle racked up 173 straight victories (an impressive number even in a sport where the outcomes are predetermined). This prompted the catchphrase “Who’s next?” to be forever associated with him. Though lacking in finesse and conventional wrestling skill, Goldberg’s sheer size and brute strength helped him steamroll a who’s who of top talent in the ’90s.
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Courtesy of WWE
Billed Height: 6’4″
Billed Weight: 255 lbs.
Helmsley was the mascot of rebellious Gen X’ers everywhere in the late ’90s, and his physique grew along with his fame. Now married to WWE chairman Vince McMahon’s daughter, Stephanie, Triple H helps direct the company outside the ring as well.
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Courtesy of WWE
Billed Height: 6’3″
Billed Weight: 252 lbs.
No one could charm an audience like “The Ravishing One.” He often preceded matches by snatching up a microphone and asking the crowd to keep the noise down while he took off his robe and showed the ladies what “a real, sexy man is supposed to look like.” Rude’s six-pack was second to none, and his trademark hip gyrations have since become a standard taunt for muscular heel wrestlers.
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Courtesy of WWE
Billed Height: 6’1″
Billed Weight: 251 lbs.
When The Rock went to Hollywood and Steve Austin retired, wrestling fans were left wondering who would lead sports entertainment through the 2000s. John Cena stepped up, displaying the body, heart and charisma of a champion. He’s become the WWE’s most active and visible superstar, appearing in movies, entertaining troops overseas and chalking up too many title reigns to count. The former bodybuilder and Gold’s Gym Venice employee has one of the most formidable physiques in wrestling, the result of heavy training. Cena’s workouts include cleans, deadlifts, and squats (which he does barefoot).
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Courtesy of WWE
Billed Height: 6’5″
Billed Weight: 260 lbs.
In a business known for big personalities and great one-liners, The Rock’s wit is still unsurpassed. The Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment has introduced terms that have become part of the international lexicon. “Jabroni,” “roody poo,” and “know your role” are now all required vocabulary for being a tough guy. But Dwayne Johnson’s body has been no less influential. Big and agile, he owes a lot to great genetics—his father was wrestler Rocky Johnson, whose physique was ahead of its time, and his grandfather was High Chief Peter Maivia, another wrestler who also took on Sean Connery in the James Bond film You Only Live Twice.
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