28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleIf you’ve got a set of chicken legs and noodle-arms to match, then it’s time to reevaluate what you’re putting on your plate. Though, building bigger biceps may be a slightly easier task for some, it’s not an impossible feat for anyone. The formula itself is quite simple actually—put a premium on lean protein, healthy fats, and slow-digesting carbs and do away with nutritionally-void foods altogether. The key to crafting muscle-boosting meals with food is designing your plate around the proper nutrient ratios.
“Some men have a predisposition to packing on muscle due to their genetics and hormone profile, and honestly, others are eating enough calories and working out intelligently, which may make it look easy, but certainly is not. Ask any jacked guy how he got that way and you’ll hear the words ‘hard ass work and dedication’,” says Adam Rosante, C9 Champion brand ambassador, celebrity trainer, and certified dports nutritionist.
Rosante recommends eating three meals per day and two anytime snacks. Each meal should include two palm-size portions of protein, two fist-size portions of veggies, two cupped hand-sized portions of starchy carbs, and two thumb-sized portions of fats like nuts, oil, or avocado. As for the snacks, the principles remain the same, just cut the sizes in half. “After a few weeks, see how you’re progressing,” says Rosante. “If you’re still not gaining the size you’d like, add an extra cupped handful of carbs or thumb of fats to a few of your daily meals.”
By fueling your body with the right foods and pairing that with exercise and adequate sleep, you’ll soon drop the skinny label and pick up a stronger reputation.
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