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Read articleGiving up carb heavy meals that are often associated with feeling warm and fuzzy, like freshly cooked bread or perfectly cooked potatoes doesn’t sound like a successful recipe for remedying our mental health, but recent research is showing that a ketogenic diet has a positive association with both our physical, mental health well-being. Here’s what the latest science is saying.
For those of us that turn to ketogenic diets, popular with many people that want to lose excess bodyweight or finally hope to see their abs, it would be reasonable to think that abstaining from starchy, high carb foods may leave us feeling low, but participants who took on various levels of ketogenic diet in a recent study are reporting improved calmness, contentment, and alertness when compared to other diets. And, with at least 7% of Americans now thought to be adhering to ketogenic diets, gaining an understanding of the effects that this lifestyle choice has on our mental health is essential. Fortunately, previous studies have already pointed towards this low carb option improving symptoms of Bipolar, Schizophrenia, and other ailments. Now, this latest new study is adding further weight to the evidence.
Ketogenic diets can vary but the premise is to reduce the intake of carbohydrates. Many people increase their fat and protein consumption as an alternative. When your body begins to burn fat for energy, instead of relying on glucose from carbs, our bodies transition into ‘ketosis.’ Standard ketogenic diets generally rely on just 5-10% carbohydrates.
Two online surveys were distributed by Northumbria University in England to determine those participants who were on ketogenic or non-ketogenic diets. Three groups were created (ketogenic-friendly, ketogenic-acceptable, and not ketogenic-friendly) for grouping purposes. The subjects that reported being on a ketogenic diet must have been on it for at least one week, while those who fell out of the ketogenic parameters were considered as being on “other diets.”
While many of the ketogenic diet respondents were considered as being overweight, the cohorts from both surveys reported superior moods, less anxiety or depression, and less stress and feelings of loneliness. These results were not necessarily in correlation with ketone levels, leading experts to think that a sustained ketogenic diet could contribute to mental health irrelative of any metabolic changes. Still, those who were on a ketogenic diet tended to have better BMI’s overall, meaning that there is potentially an overlap with mental and physical health. Here are the highlights of the report:
Since ketogenic diets have also been shown to be successful in treating obesity, type 2 diabetes, and epilepsy, these new benefits around mental health are even more reasons to consider eating less carbohydrates. “Since being on the diet, I haven’t noticed any significant anxiety level or attacks. And I’ve been able to work through basically everything I’ve come across,” said one respondent. “It can honestly save a lot of lives, it saved mine. I would not be here today if it wasn’t for Keto. It’s helped a lot with my mood stabilization,” reported another subject.
But how might ketogenic diets achieve these mentally beneficial results? One possibility is that a ketogenic diet may increase levels of GABA levels, promoting a calmer and more relaxed states. Other theories include the activation of dopamine and serotonin, and improved guy microbiome. “Mental health and physical health are interconnected,” concludes the report. “And addressing metabolic issues can complement psychiatric treatment to enhance overall well-being. Understanding the mechanisms and potential synergies between psychiatric treatment and metabolic improvements can also inform the development of more effective interventions.” So, if you are having a bad day, perhaps skipping that carb heavy meal might be a better mood booster than you think.