28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleArnold Schwarzenegger who once said, “You hit like a vegetarian,” is now singing the praises of adhering to a plant-based diet, “I’ve seen many bodybuilders that are vegetarian and they get strong and healthy.” The seven time Mr. Olympia went on to say, “Right now people, seven million people are dying every year,” he said during this past December’s UN Climate Conference in Paris. “That is alarming and everyone in government has the responsibility to protect the people. They have to do something about it.” Schwarzenegger suggested choosing meat-free days is a good place to start.
SEE ALSO: 6 Myths of Vegetarian Bodybuilding
Comments like these from ‘The Oak’ opened the door for bodybuilders everywhere to consider adopting a more plant-based diet. But you don’t have to quit “cold-turkey” to be a part of the biggest environmental movements today. Meatless Monday is a great way to start and Muscle & Fitness is committed to helping you get more muscle with less meat.
Luckily, it’s never been easier to skip meat once a week now that so many plant-powered companies are coming out with protein-packed products to help you stay on track while keeping up with your workouts. Check in with our new Meatless Monday column for weekly posts bringing you expert insight about meatless muscle building, vegetarian recipes stacked with massive plant protein, vegan health and beauty tips, and nutrition advice for creating a stronger, more conscious you.
We’ll teach you about how the power of plants can assist you in reaching your craziest fitness goals. And remember, it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Meatless Monday is a simple and easy way to join today’s biggest environmental movement and still get jacked.
Experienced dieters know that preparedness and structure are the golden rules to making committing to any diet a success. By making Monday your body’s meatless reboot day you can reap the benefits of a plant-based diet and get your week in gear. Monday is generally considered as the kick-off day of the week making it easier to stick to a specific diet than other day. Some studies even show that people who start the week off with exercise, healthy eating, good stress management, and a positive attitude keeps them on track throughout the week.
Start your day off right with these delicious, protein-packed, breakfast recipes on next page.
Rethink your morning oatmeal with these protein–rich pancakes that are basically oatmeal re-invented. Serve it with some Greek yogurt and honey and you’ve got a healthy and delicious, muscle-building breakfast. Along with being a great source of protein, these pancakes are also loaded with fiber, and omega-3 and 6 fatty acids.
1. Mix all ingredients and pour over a hot griddle.
2. Flip when edges turn golden brown.
3. Serve with Greek yogurt and honey, cottage cheese, peanut butter, fruit or your favorite toppings.
This rich smoothie is filled with antioxidant properties, vitamins, essential fatty acids and protein, not to mention high in fiber, iron, magnesium, potassium, and zinc.
Add Navita’s Hemp Protein Powder to your traditional whey post-workout shake for an extra 12g of plant-powered protein. Hemp brings some of nature’s strongest nutrients to the table in just one serving including dietary fiber, chlorophyll, and minerals including magnesium, iron, zinc and potassium.
If you’re wondering where to get your protein on a Meatless Monday diet, look no further. Eggs and dairy are still accepted for a vegetarian meal and offer up a decadent serving of omegas and aminos to sustain your efforts. *Farmer’s Markets are a great way to get your dairy and make a difference in animal welfare.
This recipe is packed with 24g of protein, essential amino acids, omega-3 and omega 6, and is a good source of iron, Vitamin A, and Vitamin C.
1. In a small bowl whisk eggs, salt and pepper.
2. Using a small skillet heat coconut oil and sauté green pepper and zucchini until tender.
3. Add spinach, green onions, and garlic and cook until the spinach is wilted and garlic is tender.
4. Set aside veggies in a bowl and pour in egg mixture while skillet is hot. As the egg sets, add veggies back in, sprinkle the goat cheese and avocado, and then fold omelet over the mixture.
5. Slide the omelet onto your plate, sprinkle the last of the green onion and enjoy!