28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleDuring his break after the first season of the fantasy/police drama series Lucifer, actor Kevin Alejandro decided to challenge himself.
“I wanted to see if I could possibly become the best physical version of myself,” Alejandro tells Men’s Fitness.
The challenge didn’t come from the producers of the show, or anyone at FOX. It simply came from Alejandro wanting to take things to the next level in his training. To get it done, Alejandro worked with his personal trainer, Paolo Mascitti, who helped develop an intense workout program that would help the actor transform his body, adding muscle and definition to his frame.
“I had tried the INSANITY Workout and P90X workouts before,” Alejandro says. “While those were really good, and I had some success, working with Paolo really changed my life. He put me through a lot of exercises I had never done before, and we developed a high-intensity training program with a lot of high-intensity supersets and weightlifting. I really started to see the evolution of where my body could go doing those exercises.”
Alejandro made quite the impression when he got back from his summer hiatus. When he arrived for the first table read for the second season of Lucifer, the producers decided right away to write the change into the show as part of his character, Detective Daniel Espinoza.
“In the first season, I didn’t have a very good education when it came to working out,” Alejandro says. “I had this change of heart, and now I think all the training that I’ve done has given me the opportunity to do more on the show—more stunts, more physical scenes. I’m in better physical shape and mental shape to handle a bigger regimen of stunts than when we first started the show. If there’s any advice that I can give, it’s that if you keep your body active it will respond in a positive way, and allow you to do things that you didn’t think or consider doing.”
Alejandro’s main workout plan during that summer hiatus was a three-day split program that divided his workouts between chest and back on day 1, his upper body—shoulders, biceps, and triceps—on day 2, and his lower body on day 3. But Alejandro also liked to mix things up when he wanted to add something fresh to his routine—sometimes stepping into the boxing ring or doing some mixed martial arts.
“I do love that stuff,” Alejandro says. “I’ve done boxing before, it’s really great for cardio and staying athletic. One of my wife’s cousins actually is a competitive MMA fighter, so I’m surrounded by people who are in that world that I really look up to. It’s always fun to get in there and hit some stuff.”
Here’s the workout that helped Alejandro transform his body—and his character on Lucifer.
Photo Team Credits:
Photographer LESLIE ALEJANDRO @lesliealejandro
Stylist WARREN ALFIE BAKER @alfiebakerstyle
Groomer LEIBI CARIAS @ CELESTINE using ORIBE @leibi_carias
Photo assistant ARSEN VASQUEZ @arsen_ist
Location RETROFIT @retrofitweho
Wardrobe provided by: HERO SPORT @herosportofficial, ADIDAS @adidas, PUMA @puma