28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleOscar Bonano didn’t want to go through life as an “average” guy.
He felt everyone looked past him as though he didn’t even exist. The more his belly grew, the more his confidence and self-worth shrunk. Finally, after scrolling through his Facebook page and coming across a shirtless selfie of one of his friends, Bonano said, ‘enough is enough.’
In this week’s Men’s Fitness Transformation Tuesday video interview, Bonano shares how much he was shocked to learn about dieting and why his friend charged him to help him lose weight—plus how much his mental wellness, energy levels, and enthusiasm for life have changed since Bonano lost more than 50 pounds.
After coming across his friend’s Facebook post, he decided to reach out and ask him for help. The first thing his friend provided was a new diet plan. Bonano says that, being Dominican, he grew up always eating high-carbohydrate dishes like rice and beans. But after learning how to control his portions, scale back the carbs, and eat more protein, his weight started to drop.
His next mission: Start working out more aggressively. Bonano’s marching orders were to do 30 minutes of cardio daily. After six months of a new diet and training plan, Bonano lost over 20 pounds.
Bonano continued to progress by losing another 30 pounds. After shedding 50 pounds total, he says he’s a new person, “physically and mentally.”
But he’s not done yet.
With a photoshoot approaching, he now trains five to seven days per week while following a bodybuilding split, which means one or two body parts per day. See below for his current plan.
Follow Oscar Bonano on Instagram @Caliphysiquee
Have you lost a ton of weight, or gained piles of muscle? Follow and DM Mike Simone on Instagram at @Mike_Simone.