28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleOriginally from Brazil, Bodybuilder Francisco Rocha now lives in London, where he’s won eight physique competitions.
Although he’s a prime example of the ideal physique, Rocha actually admits that he looks better now that he’s pushing 40 than he did when he was 20.
“‘Don’t lift for your ego’ is a cliché, but it’s perhaps the greatest lesson I’ve learned,” says Rocha. “If you want to keep improving with age, don’t just keep increasing the load. It’s far better to increase the intensity of your training by doing different techniques, such as trisets, giant sets, drop sets, peak contraction, and pre-exhaustion.”
Put some of Rocha’s revered techniques to use with his arm workout (below) that’s guaranteed to help you build the size of your biceps and triceps.