28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleMark Wahlberg stars in four movies this year, including Entourage (June 3) and Ted 2 (June 26). In other words, it’s just a normal year for the prolific actor. The only thing our May 2013 cover star takes as seriously as his craft is his training. Previously, we documented Wahlberg’s road to getting as big as possible for Pain & Gain. To maintain a leaner, but still muscular physique, Wahlberg’s training has since evolved, incorporating more body weight and suspension trainer work.
That’s not to say his training sessions are easier these days. By keeping rest periods around 30 seconds between sets, Wahlberg maintains a high intensity to get a solid pump while burning fat.
The following workout is sampled from the strength phase of Mark Wahlberg’s training program, performed in preparation for Transformers: Age of Extinction. This workout is done after a full-body warmup and core workout. This program was provided by BriAn Nguyen of Brik Fitness in Redondo Beach, CA. Perform exercises marked with letters as part of circuit.