28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleMike O’Hearn describes his training methods as “old-school, Bill Pearl-style,” referring to the iconic bodybuilder from the ’50s who wrote a great book on training techniques. The approach is simple, but not easy.
“I stick with the basics,” says O’Hearn. “I go heavy. Always. I may have a rep range from one to 30, but I always go as heavy as I can.”
Despite this devotion to lifting as heavy as possible (he regularly squats and deadlifts 650 lbs, for instance), O’Hearn has rarely dealt with injury. He credits this to lifting heavy from a young age.
“Heavy weights strengthen you from the inside out,” he says. “I’ve developed stronger tendons, connective tissue, and bone density.”
So train safely, but as heavy as you can.