28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read article“The Rock” posted the third routine in his series of workouts and diet tips (the first was his back workout, and the second his chest workout) that make up part of his Team Hercules training program. The program outlines the grueling regimen “The Rock” followed before and during the shooting of Hercules. Check out the arms workout below, which was accompanied by this message:
“ARMS. Let me introduce you to the “Hammer Bros” – Sledge & Jack… 4 sets of a tri-set series. Squeeze at the top for bi’s and at the bottom for tri’s. I prefer high volume for ARMS so the burn is intense. Enjoy the pain. #BringIt #FOCUS #TeamHercules”
“The Rock” wants you to keep him up to speed by posting photos and videos to #teamhercules.