28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleVince McMahon trains up to seven days a week, sometimes doing two-a-days if he knows he may miss a session due to his grueling schedule. He rotates through a split of chest, shoulders, arms, legs, and back (which is his strongest body part and favorite to train).
“On the bent-over row he can do 315 for 10 reps,” says Mike Monteforte, McMahon’s trainer and workout partner. “He has unbelievable strength in his back.” After completing a body part, the two will then do a CrossFit-inspired workout consisting of battling rope slams, sled drags, sledgehammer swings (with a hammer named Big Jack, an allusion to the AC/DC song), and sprints. After that—yes, there’s more!—he does a circuit of ab exercises. The whole training session takes 90 minutes.
McMahon does most of his exercises as giant sets, performing them in groups of three. He’ll perform 20 to 35 warmup sets first, then do one set for each exercise in the group before resting. He’ll do the same for all the other groups in the workout, then he returns to the first group to increase the weight and decrease the reps before repeating the cycle. He rests while Monteforte works and vice versa. Below is a sample back day.