28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleThe cookie-cutter weight-loss and weight-gain plans won’t cut it in the competitive sports world. Hitting the gym for 30-60 minutes, working traditional split routines, training for 10-12 reps, resting, and repeating might help you forge what looks like a battle-ready body—but it’s not necessarily the one that packs the punch you need on the field or court. While training for individual sports differ, there are many elements that carry over.
Kelvin Gary, N.S.C.A.-certified strength and conditioning coach and N.A.S.M. performance-enhancement specialist of Body Space Fitness, has designed the all-strength sports conditioning plan based off the following elements:
Core strength: Your athletic base and foundation
Mobility and agility: Your improvement of movement
Power and strength: Your ability to overwhelm the competitors
Speed and explosiveness: Your ability to output power in burts
Endurance: Improving stamina to outwork the competitors
Injury prevention: Safeguarding joints, ligaments, and muscles
Each individual workout begins with a warmup and mobility work followed by core conditioning, then plyometrics, strength/power, and finishes with endurance.
Perform workouts A, B, and C following a day on, day off structure.
Workout progamming by Kelvin Gary, C.S.C.S.