28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleThe fitness industry is, in many respects, an industry of abs. There’s a reason countless books and magazine articles feature abs every issue: The search for a six-pack continues to represent the holy grail of training.
That’s why any abs workout for beginners must come with a disclaimer: It’s not going to be easy. The proverbial washboard is unlikely to happen unless a guy first drops his body fat in the neighborhood of 10%—no small task for even a dedicated lifter with a highly focused diet plan.
Of course, working the abs before you reach that level of leanness is hardly a waste of time; it’s just the results won’t be evident, which can be frustrating to a lot of lifters.
The good news: Just about any movement that strengthens your core—the supporting musculature around your hips, midsection, and shoulders—will also strengthen the abs. So even as you’re dialing down your body fat, you’re building a strong foundation for functional movement and a body resistant to injury. If you think of abs as a byproduct rather than the end goal of training, you’ll better appreciate the process—and the results.
For this best-abs-for-beginners routine, complete a 5- to 10-minute cardio warmup, then perform 2-3 rounds of this circuit. Once you find your abs no longer getting sore, and you’re not progressing, ratchet things up a bit and try our classic six-week power abs workout routine.