28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleThis workout is designed to train your entire body in one session with a focus on strength and endurance. And that’s not just physical endurance. This routine takes a ton of mental fortitude to push through fatigue, which will develop the mental toughness you need to get through a brutal MMA fight.
The workout consists of a warmup, a circuit workout, and an additional set of grip-strength moves. The circuit workout comprises five stations, each with its own set of exercises designed to be done back-to-back. Do as many reps as possible at each station in five minutes, rest 60 seconds, then move on to the next station. You’ll do that station workout three times, for a total of 15 stations.
The station workout is designed to prep you for a 5-minute, 5-round fight.
Starts with a dynamic warmup.
After, complete 25-meter sprints, walking back to start to recover. Repeat for 5 minutes. These will raise your heart rate and wake up the muscle fibers responsible for powerful, explosive movements.
Repeat each station for 5 minutes with minmal rest. Take a 60-second break between each station.
Station 2: Exercise 1 is a heavy-bag burpee (assault the bag with varying punch and kick combos when you jump up). Exercise 2 is a burpee clean and press with 25lb dumbbells.
Station 3: Exercise 5 is plank Jacks (keep your butt down as you jump your feet in and out of the plank position).
Grip strength increases a fighter’s abilities during submissions and grappling, and adds impressive strength to punching power.
Exercise 2 is fat-bar pullups. Hold tennis balls in your palms against the bar. They’ll force you to tighten your grip and build the muscles in your hand as you perform pullups.
Exercise 3 is plate pinch. Hold two plates (25lb or 35lb) together for as long as you can, standing still or walking back and forth.