28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleAt the end of leg day. If you’re pressed for time, do it on its own as a quick lower-body workout.
“Adding these suspension trainer exercises to the end of your workout will give you a final burn,” says Zack Van Wagoner, a trainer and a TRX coach in San Francisco. “These moves also target the smaller stabilizer muscles you might have missed when doing exercises like leg extensions and hamstring curls.”
Adjust the suspension trainer strap to midcalf. Perform two to four rounds, depending on your level of conditioning, with as little rest as possible. (Try to limit yourself to 15 to 30 seconds between rounds.)
“When performing the three exercises, create as much tension into the foot cradle as possible and brace your core,” Van Wagoner says. “This will improve your balance and control, so you can focus on contracting the targeted muscles fully.”