28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleSuccess on The Brute Strength program is measured in increases in your one-rep max lifts for deadlifts, bench press and squats. But you don’t have to press these weights for just one rep to determine what that one-rep max is. As we mentioned in the August 2005 issue of FLEX (Fast Strength, p. 116), you can calculate your one-rep maxes using the following conversion charts.
The “One-rep Max” chart shows you how to press a weight for ten reps and convert that to your one-rep max. The “Ten-rep Max” chart shows you how to convert your strength attempt, regardless of how many reps you are able to complete (from 6-12), allowing you to calculate your one-rep max this way.
Use the following charts to calculate your one-rep max and learn how much progress you’ve made on the Brute Strength program.