28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleWomen will put up with one, maybe two, nights without an orgasm from you. But you’d better know how to hit her G-spot before too long or you’ll be getting cozy with her answering machine. Here’s why: For 70% of women, penetration alone is not enough to bring them to climax. That’s a hell of a lot of women walking the earth with no satisfaction. See a way to get laid more? Understand her orgasm(s), as well as when and how to give them, and you’ll be a more confident man with a lot more sex in your life. Consider this your contribution to womankind.
Best tool to give her one: Your fingers. Use the middle digit on your dominant hand, with help from your pointer. Always use the padded middle of the finger, not the tip or nail.
Initial technique: Find out what her motion of choice is—either little circles or flicks upward or downward. Pay attention to nonverbal cues (like gyrating or tensing).
Troubleshooting: Lubrication is crucial at this point. If occasionally dipping into her well doesn’t work, reach for the lube. Spit works just fine in a pinch.
Drive her over the edge: While continuing with her stroke of choice, make your touch broader by using more of your hand. Add a bit more pressure until you bring her to climax.
Second-best tool: Her vibrator. Use mostly the head of the toy, rather than the shaft. Choose between the classic ridged variety and the smoother bullet style. (The alien-like ones with all the attachments are for when she’s alone.)
Initial technique: Rub the vibrator up and down along her entire private part, slowly. Use light pressure and a low setting. Don’t be scared of the vibrator—you need to hold it firmly in order to satisfy her.
Troubleshooting: Hold the toy before using it, to warm it up. (Cold is a definite turnoff.) Remember to ask if she wants it turned up or down a notch. And click on some music to drown out the hum.
Drive her over the edge: Focus all your attention on the clitoris. Then, as she gets more into it, start making longer movements from the clitoris to the G-spot and back.
Best tool to give her one: Your tongue. Use the tip and flat middle of your tongue as the primary source of stimulation.
Initial technique: Make firm motions with the tip and middle of your tongue. Then slip the clit into your mouth and massage with your tongue, as if sucking on a Tic Tac.
Troubleshooting: Don’t be shy about using your hands to hold her “lips” open—that’s the only way you’ll get the very best access.
Drive her over the edge: As she becomes excited, broaden your strokes and make them firmer. When she’s close to orgasm, use your fingers to rub her G-spot as well.
Second-best tool: Your penis. To please her, you need to focus your energy on what you do with the head, not the shaft. The ridge that separates the head from the shaft feels particularly good to women.
Initial technique: Use your penis to make short motions in and out of her vagina. As she becomes excited, add longer thrusts. Remember to keep the clitoral stimulation going as well.
Troubleshooting: Contrary to what you’ve been taught, deeper thrusts do not equal a better orgasm, at least for her. In fact, once past the G-spot, there’s not much within the vagina that stimulates pleasure.
Drive her over the edge: While using short thrusts, grab hold of the base of your penis and press upward, so there is more pressure on her G-spot. Continue with short thrusting motions, gradually getting faster and faster until she climaxes.
The most elusive part of the female anatomy is a ridged surface — approximately the size of a nickel—about two inches into the vagina, on the front wall. You can locate the G-spot by inserting two fingers into the vagina, palm up (to your second knuckle).