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Read articleIf you’re celebrating National Running Day with a jog this evening, don’t leave home without your significant other. Running as a couple can step up your sex life, according to a Brooks Running survey of 1,000 adults ages 18 and older who run at least once per week.
The report revealed that 66 percent of runners believe they have more sex when they run with their other halves. Men (71 percent) were slightly more likely than women (62 percent) to make the connection.
Distance made a difference, too. The more miles you cover, the bigger payoffs you can expect in the bedroom. According to the survey, 49 percent of couples who rack up six or more miles together claim that their sweat sessions make their sex lives better.
But as closely as running and sex may be related, intimacy’s not a popular topic of conversation when sharing the road with friends. Only 21 percent of runners–men and women were equally tight-lipped–talk about knocking boots.
Video: How to Work Out with Your Girlfriend >>>
Brooks’ survey didn’t just focus on the racy side to running. Five more revealing things about runners: