28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleBuild Muscle
4-6 Weeks
Strength Training
Build Muscle
4-6 Weeks
Strength Training
Dwayne Johnson‘s screen heroics have made him one of the most bankable Hollywood stars in history. From the first time he raised a taunting eyebrow from the squared circle of the WWE, he’s captivated a growing global audience of fans who can’t get enough of his physicality, wit, and outsize charisma.
Johnson fills so many roles—producer, actor, wrestler, best-selling author, and philanthropist, to name a few—you have to wonder if there’s more than one of him. But despite his enormous success in the entertainment realm, he never strays far from his athletic roots. He’s no green-screen concoction when it comes to strength and athleticism. He looks the part because he works at it.
If you want to challenge yourself and start making Rock-level gains, follow this program for four to six weeks.
Designed by Dave Rienzi of Rienzi Strength and Conditioning (@daverienzi), this is the workout that Dwayne Johnson used to prepare for 2014’s Hercules (you know, when he was in arguably the best shape of his life). Warning: It may make you look like a Roman god.
Build Muscle
4-6 Weeks
Strength Training