28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleHypertrophy, Build Muscle
4 weeks
Muscle Endurance
Hypertrophy, Build Muscle
4 weeks
Muscle Endurance
There are lots of reasons to have an eye on the clock when you’re training. Timing your workouts and rest periods will make sure that you aren’t taking too long between sets; it will guarantee you finish your training with enough time to get to work; and it will even get you back on track when you are staring too long at the cute girl wearing yoga pants in the squat rack.
But there is one aspect of timing in your workouts that you may be missing out on completely. One that will ensure that you are working your muscles in a way that optimizes growth. A method that has you time out the length of each phase (lowering, lifting, pausing) of each rep and, ultimately, each set in order to promote the greatest amount of muscle gain. This technique is simply called Time Under Tension (TUT) training.
TUT can be achieved in two ways. The first is to set a timer—say, for 40 seconds—and continue to perform an exercise for that amount of time without stopping. A more effective way, and the one this program will focus on, is to use a tempo prescription for each rep. Why is this more effective? Because it allows you to specifically slow down the eccentric or lowering phase of each rep. And there is much research to back up that slow eccentric phases are an effective way to build mass.
In our program charts, tempo is laid out as a four-digit number. Each number correlates with a specific phase of the movement and represents the number of seconds you will spend in this phase.
And while it may take a workout or two to get used to using tempo, the benefits are worth it. Here’s how to shorten your learning curve.
Directions: Perform each workout once per week, resting on two nonconsecutive days.
You will also need to scale your weights appropriately from week to week. When the number of reps per set goes down, weights should increase over the previous weeks. When the number of reps per set goes up, weights will likely have to decrease.
Hypertrophy, Build Muscle
4 weeks
Muscle Endurance