Unlike other areas of the body, where supersets must alternate between pushes and pulls to work continuously without rest, that’s not necessary with the abs and obliques, which some people train every day. Because of the rise of functional movement and core training in recent years, many athletes figure they hit their abs enough by training the core, musculature around the hips, midsection, and shoulders. That’s probably true, but there are times when you want to take a more direct approach with a tough standalone abs workout.

The elusive six-pack remains the holy grail of training, though nutrition is a key component. A guy who hasn’t dropped below 10 percent body fat is unlikely to see his abs regardless of how many abdominal supersets he knocks out. That’s not to say it’s a waste to train the abs if your waistline isn’t there yet. The abs stabilize the spine, after all, and a strong core is essential for healthy living and minimizing injuries and long-term ailments.

With this abs superset workout, we’re going to do five supersets of two exercises. Do one set of the first exercise, a set of the other, and then a second set of each before moving on to the next superset.