28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleIt’s a simple fact: Guys want big arms more specifically bigger biceps. Just walk into any commercial gym and you’ll see a line of people standing in front of mirrors, using free weights, doing an arm workout or bicep curls to try and get big guns. Yet so many guys struggle to grow their arms, regardless of how much time they spend doing a bicep exercises or forearm workouts. So what should you do to improve and keep in mind while working out your biceps?
Some people out there might respond with more arm work, but if they do that, it’ll be in vain. The truth is, you can train your arms as much as you want, but if you keep making a few critical mistakes you’ll never get great results. It takes hard work and determination to grow your arms, and if you’re willing to train your heart out, either in the gym or at home, you’ll have a good chance to make that progress.
Some of the habits you have in your workouts could be undermining your gains without you even knowing it. Your grip is one area that can help you in your overall quest to get arms as big as Sylvester Stallone—check out Sly’s classic arms workout here—and if you work enough on it, it may enable you to work with bigger weights, giving you a chance to grow. A mistake that many make is not giving their arms enough time to rest up between workouts. If you’re not letting those muscles recover, you could end up stunting your progress—or potentially suffering an injury.
Escape the black hole of ineffective arms training by learning the eight reasons why your arms still aren’t growing, and what exactly you can do to fix while working out your biceps. Follow these, fix some mistakes, and get ready to bulk up.
Aleksandar Malivuk
wavebreakmedia / Shutterstock
Inti St Clair
Fotokvadrat / Shutterstock