28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
Read articleAs men’s physique competitors, we should strive for that perfect beach body look—aesthetically pleasing and in proportion. We train just as intensely as any bodybuilder aiming for that perfect X shape, but the difficulty lies in conditioning without becoming bulky or letting one muscle group dominate another. So, how to achieve this look?
When looking at a men’s physique competitor on stage, the first thing that always stands out to me is a wide set of shoulders. I find that this helps to create the illusion of a smaller waist and, thus, a V taper. The best exercises I’ve found to help achieve this are to hit my shoulders firstly with a large compound movement involving all heads. This usually involves a type of press, either dumbbell or overhead barbell, followed by a side lateral movement to really isolate the lateral head of my delts. This, in turn, will help create that width. Here is one of my favourite shoulder work-outs for achieving that look:
2 warm up sets
Side lateral raises: 15-20 reps
Dumbbell press or plate loaded shoulder press: 15-20 reps
3 giant sets
Dumbbell or plate loaded shoulder press: 8-12 reps
Side lateral raises heavy weight: 10-12 reps
Drop set, 50% of weight: 15-20 reps
Finish with heavy partial raises: 10-12 reps (for added resistance, get training partner to force on elbows)
3 giant sets
Rear dumbbell flyes on incline bench: 10-12 reps
Standing bent over dumbbell flyes: 10-12 reps
Cable rope face pulls: 10-12 reps
Cable shoulder press: 3 x 10-12 reps
Heavy dumbbell shrugs: 3 x 12-15 reps
For the cable shoulder press exercise, I set a seated bench between the cable crossovers and aim to pyramid up my weight on the stack each set aiming for around 10-12 reps, then straight into a standing dumbbell shrug aiming to increase the weight each set but still reaching 12-15 reps. This superset takes me nicely into my trap focused exercise. For traps, I like to use either a barbell shrug or plate loaded shrug, nice and basic, really focusing on that squeeze.
3 giant sets
Barbell shrug or plate loaded shrug: 8-12 reps
This shoulder workout will hit all heads of the shoulders and give you that increased intensity from the higher rep ranges and drop sets, which will give your shoulders a much more aesthetic and pleasing look.
Next Up: Chest
The next muscle that I think stands out on a competitor is to have a full thick-looking chest, that still shows great condition, which helps to complement the rest of the physique. Below, I have outlined a basic workout that I use to develop my chest:
Chest Workout
2 warm up sets
Incline Dumbbell or Barbell Press: 15-20 reps
4 working sets
Incline Dumbbell or Barbell Press: 8-12 reps
Flat bench or plate loaded press:8-12 reps
3 working sets
Incline cable flyes: 15-20 reps
Dumbbell flyes or pec dec drop set: 12-15 reps on each drop
Another thing that everyone’s eyes seem to be drawn to when looking at a men’s physique competitor is a great set of abs. I have trained my midsection from a young age through gymnastics and swimming as a child, then on to training them in the gym twice a week, which has built me a strong core for stage. So how do I sculpt my abdominals? Personally, I have had the best results when I have trained them in sections. To do this, I work the upper and lower abs at the start of the week, then lower abs, obliques, and core towards the end.
Upper/Lower Abs Workout
4 sets
Hanging leg raises: 8-12 reps
Kneeling or standing cable crunches: 8-12 reps
Reverse decline crunches: 10-15 reps
Decline weighted crunches: 8-12 reps
Lower Abs/Obliques/Core Workout
4 sets
Hanging leg raises: 8-12 reps
Side raises back extension: 10-15 reps
Cable wood chops: 8-12 reps
Bar torso twists: 10-15 reps each side
Plank: 1-2 minute hold
I’m sure you’ve all heard the saying that shows are won from the back, and it’s very true. A good back will make or break a great physique on stage. Because the back is such a big muscle group, it is important to stimulate all parts. A varied workout is key.
Back Workout
4 sets
Wide grip pullups: 8-12 reps
Wide grip lateral pulldown 8-12 reps T-bar row: 8-12 Reps
Single-arm dumbbell row: 8-12 reps on each arm
Barbell deadlifts: 6-8 reps
3 sets
Seated cable row: 10-15 reps
Next Up: Legs
Although we as men’s physique competi-tors get a lot of stick for saying that we don’t show legs, many of them have a great pair as they are still trained like any other muscle part with allocated days of the week. Legs make up 50% of our overall physique, so, in order to have a balanced aesthetic physique, legs must be trained.
Here is a basic legs session that I use:
Legs Workout
2 warmup sets
Leg extensions: 15-20 reps
Barbell squats: 15 reps
4 working sets
Barbell squats: 6-8 reps
Leg press: 8-12 reps
Barbell walking lunges: 10 lunges on each leg
Lying hamstring curls
4 working sets: 10-15 reps
Sets stiff-legged deadlifts: 10-15 reps
Seated calf raises 8-12 reps
Finally, to complete the look of a men’s physique competitor, you should have full but defined-looking arms. When given feedback from last year’s Olympia, I was told I needed to bring up my arms more to make them in proportion with the rest of my physique. I have been working very hard on bringing them up and below is one of the routines I have used to achieve this:
Arms Workout
Single arm dumbbell concentration curls 2 x warmup sets, 15 reps, then 3 x working sets, 8-12 reps (make sure to go heavier and heavier each set). On the last set, perform a triple drop set to failure on each arm.
Barbell curls, 4 x working sets: 6-8 rep range
Dumbbell cross-body hammer curls, 4 x working sets: 8-12 reps
Lying down cable curl, 3 x working sets: 8-12 reps, pyramiding up in weight, then the last set is a triple drop where you pyramid back down in weight rep until failure.
Triceps cable pushdowns, 2 x warmup sets: 20 reps, 3 x working sets, 8-12 reps / last set perform a triple drop set to failure.
Barbell skull crushers, 4 x working set: 10-12 reps
Smith machine close grip press: 4 x 10-12 reps
Single arm triceps pushdowns, 3 x working sets: 12-15 reps