28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.
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How’s this for a flashback: You’re in gym class and your PE teacher asks you to climb a huge rope as fast and as high as possible. It’s just you, a rope that’s thicker than your ankle and the gymnasium floor. No net, no harness, no joke. But since you value your dignity more than your neck, you give it your best shot.
While that teacher probably knew as much about fitness as a glazed doughnut, climbing a rope does have its benefits. If you want to wake up some hibernating lat fibers, try subbing this rope pull-up into your back routine. It targets the lower lats like a sniper, and along with what it does for your grip, this exercise might become a regular in your workout.
No ropes at your gym? No problem. Just make sure that you sometimes do pulldowns one arm at a time, and superset them with standard chins and pull-ups. If possible, use a thick bar to help with grip strength.